As the cycles of your life, or your wheel of fortune turns, it is vital you connect with a living, vibrant minister for energetic clearing and rebalancing.  The Minister is a facilitator for restoring and maintaining balance between Earth and heavenly realms as it relates to you at this moment.

The difference between Danzen Happiness practice and other practices: I do not "teach". I give you the experience and certainty so you can heal yourself. 

When you need these services

For children

* After bullying, separation, or loss, anxiety, depression

* During academic challenges 

*Defining life purpose and occupation, transition

For All Ages:

​* During mental and physical recovery and strength building

* For management of anxiety, depression, focus

* After the loss of loved one

* During trauma recovery (Including pandemic recovery) 

* During major life changes such as graduation, marriage, love connection, divorce/break up, career changes, major life decisions and questions

For Executives:

Using art and imagination to manifest your success.

Executive Coaching 

Work with educators and executives  to provide you with support to inspire and manifest your purpose and your dreams. Yes, this includes many effective and proven techniques on all levels. 

Healing & Manifestation Arts

Dance, music and the visual arts  are so much more than just a performance or creating something to sell - they are healing arts and more importantly, a manifestation arts and Thought Artistry. 

Address malaise, discontentment, grief,  life changes, unexplained  pain or lack of fulfillment.  Healing Arts are specific for each person and is integrated into everyday living.  This is 100% tailored for individual needs from recovery to manifesting your purpose and achieving your success. 


Join thousands of individuals and  families feel a refreshing new start and especially for gifted students and students with unusual challenges. Connect with an Education Specialist or Specialist in your field of study.

Emotion Processing 

Students of all ages will enjoy the simple and rapid Emotional Processing and can learn to do it on each other - there is no cost to this.  Break free of stuck emotions keeping you from enjoying the present moment. 

Multidimensional and Divine Connection

Contact loved ones, ascended masters & guardians. 

Celebratory Ceremonies

Interfaith Ministerial services for major life events. Art and poetry and song to help you understand and celebrate major life changes and events both positive and challenging.